Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Scarlett's Crib

trent is seriously in love with scarlett, he has been since the day she was born....when it is time for scarlett's nap or bed time he says "no, no, don't put her to bed", then he has to kiss and hug her 50 times before she lays down.....if she is already in her crib he has a stool he stands on and bends over to kiss and hug her...this picture he decided to get in the crib with her.....it's so sweet to see how much he loves her....she is also so in love with him and cracks up at everything he does.

ps...for those of you who don't know scarlett had to get a helmet which she will wear for the next 4-6 weeks....it will help shape her head...i was nervous about how she would do with it on 23hrs a day, but bless her heart, she is doing great:)


Begin to Breathe said...

you weren't kidding when you said you had a bunch of friend who were blogging. what took you so long?!? ha...glad you put one together. i think you'll enjoy keeping everyone posted just as much as you like to keep up with everyone else.
looks like trent and scarlette have a great time together...what a trooper with her helmet. like i said before...she's so cute...she can pull off that helmet, no prob! love you vee
btw...i've been at my moms and my phone is dead.

see you soon

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

Oh even wither her little helmet she is so cute! And trent is a stud!! Lily is in love with him ya know!

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

k and another thing... hello, you know Doc Good too? Seriously he was everyones doctor wasnt he! We so miss him! Jackson LOVED him, now we see "Doc Dallan", and Jackson loves him too, but he is no doc good!!

Brooke said...

I love her cute helmet!

Judith Moore said...

I think you should paint a "tiara" on Scarlett's helmet! After all, she is our family's Princess! xo