Sunday, August 3, 2008

Off To The Splash Pool!

we have a splash pool walking distance from our house.....trent has always loved going, but this year he prefers the new big pool...i told him we have to do things that scarlett enjoys too....he ended up having lots of fun, scarlett did too:)


mIcHeLLe said...

ok, do you have an "after hours" key to the splash pool or something? you guys are the ONLY ones there? how fun!

Annie said...

That looks like a perfect pool. Our kids are almost the same age difference apart. Brady was always a real big help and teaching him to be flexible is sooooo good. You are an awesome mommy. I know have a 6 year old boy cheering on his 2 yr. old sister at dance. I had to tell him that she has sat through so many of his sporting events, he could do it for her. Seriously though, I love the fact you guys have a pool right there. Jess and I are heading to Christine's today for a pool day. I am sure we'll post pics.

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

HEY!! I have been so sick this week, and a total zombie.. but I am BACK and we want to play! Lily started kindergarten yesterday, so she is "busy" until 3:30, but on friday and is out of school at 1 pm.... fridat good for you? let me know!